Excerpts from “The Oak Ridge Journal” 75 years ago this week.
February 19, 1944.
(Reprinted by request from Oct. 16th issue)
Writing for this space each week is thing - SAYING something is another - doing both without preaching is difficult - but we thing some consideration should be given to the purpose of all of us in being in Oak Ridge.
That purpose is to “GET THE JOB DONE” and WIN THIS WAR.
We, in Town Management - we know out job is to satisfy you - we we know we are public servants - we want to do things which time, lack of manpower and sufficient critical materials have delayed. We have tried to give you hope that that which has not be done will be done. Our problems come faster than we solve them - consequently, life in Oak Ridge has its share of trials and tribulations, and becomes a little rugged for some.
Those who consider themselves martyrs for having left more pleasant or convenient surroundings will be unhappy - decide the effort is not worth while - quit, and leave “the job” to others. Those who make the best of what is at hand will stay on “get the job done” and be happy in their accomplishment of overcoming adversity.
Life, at any time, under most favorable conditions, is a challenge. Difficult times such as we are passing through here, temporarily, magnifies that challenge. Staying on becomes a test of our mettle. Sole will survive Oak Ridge’s present troubles-others will not, depending upon the amount of courage they have.
War is hell-but so is the life of the conquered.What he have in this country is worth fighting to keep-be the scene of action the battlefront or behind the lines. Keeping it depends upon - how man of us have the courage to stay on, not only in Oak Ridge, but anywhere when the going is rough-how many of us the the courage to “get the job done”.
Anyone can do an easy job — it takes guts to do a tough one.
Captain, Corps of Engineers.
Town Manager.
Public interest in Towning Meeting continues to run high. This was amply demonstrated by the meeting last Monday night when a large number of citizens turned out in spite of bad weather conditions and temporary failure of the power supple to many home homes in the Area.
The Library Committee made a report covering a survey of plans made to date by the Welfare and Recreation Association and By Town Management for the establishment of a Town Library.
…recommended…that a full-time librarian be hired as soon as possible and that the purchase of any books for the library be withheld pending this step…
….that a Library be started now with whatever funds are available, rathen than wait for some time until more money may be at hand.
…that Town Meeting wants to contribute to building Town moral, loyalty and good-will through providing ideas and information that will help individuals to adjust themselves to this community and to this section of the country…
….Town Meeting wishes to do all in its power to make this community the kind in which people are glad to work together for victory.
Handball Court is now available at Pine Valley School. Call Ext. 630 to reserve court.
It has come to the attention of the editors of the Journal that a number of bridge players in the both the W and M dorms are longing for a good (and Serious) evening of bridge. Some lighter minded ones would like to play gin rummy or something similar where talking is not barred…Let’s get together — both experts and frivolous card players.
It becomes necessary from time to time to remind the residents of Oak Ridge of the type of medical service that is being offered and of the limitations of this service.
…Personnel in the various departments is hard to obtain and with the terrific shortage of doctors and nurses all over the country, we must expect to find our facilities also shorthanded on occasion…
…Another problem that deserves a lot of attention is that of house calls. Doctors are available to make house calls for serious illnesses only… With the number of doctors available it is a physical impossibility to treat all minor illnesses by having doctors make house calls…
“Come all of you from other parts,
Both city folks and rural,
And listen while I tell you this;
The world ‘you-all” is plural.
“When we say “you all” must come down
Or we-all shall be lonely,
We mean a dozen folks, perhaps,
And not one person only.
“If I should sat to Hiram Jones
For instance, “you all’s Lazy;
Or, ‘Will you-all lend me your knife?
He’d thin that I was crazy.
“Now if you’d be more siciable
And wit us often mingle,
You’d find that in the native tongue
You-all is never single.
“Don’t think I mean to criticize,
Or act as if I knew all
But when we of one alone
We all say “you: like you-all
Yes, the Red Cross really wants that old discarded felt hat. These hats are used to be used for soles on slippers for convalascent soldiers. Please bring them by Red Cross Headquarters, Tenn. Ave., across from Elm Grove School.
$30.00 in bills, one $20.00 and two $5.00’s. The bills were folded, money was lost on Sunday 13 Feb. 44. Please return to Town Hall, clearance clerk or call 1208——collect generous reward.
The grocery Store on New York Ave. will be opened Mon., Feb. 21. The Grocery Store on Tenn. Ave., near Elm Grove School will be opened Wed., Feb. 23, 1944.